Sunday, April 29, 2018

Mondulkiri elephant was starved to death

Sen Monorom: An 35 year old elephant, who was deprived of food by his owner for over a month, has been found dead. Around a month ago, the elephant, whose name is Beong Kok, escaped his chains and went on a rampage through Putang village. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the angry elephant caused quite a bit of material damage.

The owner had to get the elephant tranquilized to take it home, and then he chained it up with no food. He says that he did this to punish the elephant, and to make sure that he would be too weak to go rampaging again. Unfortunately, the owner didn't realize that the elephant would die if he did not eat, and nobody intervened until the elephant was almost dead and it was too late to save him.

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